In this (CBSE Class 12th Study material) section, we provide all types supporting material for class 12th of CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education). Supporting material like previous 5 to 7 years question papers and chapter wise subject notes and also provide some other important things those are help you to achieve top result in the 12th class exam of CBSE.
Previous year question papers and sample papers are very important and extremely helpful for the students, those are studying in class 12th CBSE board. These question papers can help to make higher percentage in the CBSE class 12th exam.
We recommend to all students of class 12th to solve previous years question papers and also solve all subjects sample paper base on current year.
this is the most important step to start study of any subject. Before starting study of any subject You need to know subject syllabus. so here we provide all subject latest syllabus.
we recommend NCERT books and some other books which are cover all topics of you syllabus and also useful for best result in Class 12th.
here, we give some useful and important web links class 12th supporting material. Click on link and follow them for study and cover some extra things.